Successfully finished UIPath Professional Exam resets itself and doesn't complete

Hi there,
I have successfully completed the UiPath Professional exam.
However, when I exit the exam, like the screen tells me I can, the exam resets itself: it says I should wait 23h to retake the assessment. However, I already successfully completed it.
The assessment ID is also the same as my earlier ID, I don’t know if that should be the case? Every assessment should have another one maybe?

When the 23 hours passed, I retook the exam. Upon succesfully completing it again, it still didn’t update the assessment to “Completed” but it again says I have 23 hours to retake the exam. Something is going wrong here, it doesn’t update my assessment. Assessment ID remains the same.

I am not a paying customer, so I cannot use the customer portal?
How do I create a support ticket about the academy exam not updating (not a technical one)?
Whereto do I send an email?


Okay i hope you are talking about the diploma certificate completion…if so …then you might need to check if you really pssed the exam with minimum score…on the academy itself you would have report options try using them



You can raise this to Academy support team here.

The team will help you.

Hi @electric_samurai

This looks like you are taking exam in UiPath academy, which exam it was. If possible could you share screenshot with us.