StudioX Run Macro


Can someone please explain show how to run macro in StudioX
Sorry I know how to do it in normal studio but in StudioX not at all.
Should I have my macro in Personal.xlsb? I think this format in not accepted by StudioX
Please help.

Thank you!

you have Run Macro activity available in studiox


Well I know I have…
However the question is how to set this up properly
In Studio I have my MACRO saved in PERSONAL.XLSB and tehn siply use Execute macro providing a path to PERSONAL.XLSB and !MyMacroName
Sorry but in SudioX it is not the same and I need an explanation

Hello @niteckam according to the official StudioX documentation ( when you want to execute a macro one should add an Excel file card and point it to the xlsm file that contains the macro, then add a run macro activity and configure the following:

  • Source workbook – the file which contains the macro
  • Macro name –
  • Output – if any because some macros have no output :slight_smile:
  • Arguments – the arguments of the macro ( could be none :slight_smile: ))

Also attached you will find a test project . The xlsm contains 3 macros - one just displays in a message box a test ( similar to the classy hello world ) one uses parameters and based on the parameter displays a text and the third based on the parameter returns the sum of the parameter and 1 . (94.8 KB)

Hope this helps


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