StudioX: Read Text File

I am working with StudioX 2020.10.2

When I pull in the Read Text File activity, I see a place to enter the input Filename, but I don’t see a place to direct any output.

The documentation ( speaks to both being able to direct input and output.

I had noticed something similar when playing with the PDF activities (which do not say they work with StudioX). I found that sometimes it worked with StudioX when using the advanced editor and using ClipboardX.StringValue, but that didn’t work here.


Can you try to set path of output file at “Output to” property in Property Panel?

The document means as the following.


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YEs this was a bug that was fixed. Can you please update your packages? System mainly, should work fine after.

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Thank you; I did indeed find the reference in the properties. May I confirm that the way the software is updated is by heading back to UiPath to download it, as if trying a new trial (but using the existing license key)?

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Hi @eric.e.cohen

The Studio is one thing, but there is also a Package Manager in Studio that allows you to update individual packages (and in turns update your activities).

What Horia suggested is to update them to the latest versions via the Package Manager.

Excellent! I think I knew that, but difficult to find online, and past threads here didn’t reference it.

Appreciate your help.

Eric E. Cohen

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