STUDIO X - File is too large

Hello, I am trying to get the bot to attach a PDF that is downloaded from a website to an email to be sent out of my Microsoft Outlook. However i keep getting this error

The PDF is only between 5.78 - 62.3 KBs, so it’s not that big of a file. Is there some way to fix this? Please note the file needs to stay as a PDF.Ty!


Can you please check if you are attaching the correct file


The file is downloaded directly from the website and the bot attaches the PDF that’s downloaded from a folder in our share drive to a new email draft in my Outlook. The naming convention is always the same, I do not change anything on the PDF file.


Just to confirm …can you try taking the file out of shared drive and then use hardcoded path and check if the issue persists


Sorry what do you mean "hardcoded path? where else shall i save it?