Studio X - Create Folder with variable as file location

Hi All,

I have create 2 variables to look for most recent created folder, and a subfolder with current month.

I have combined both variables to give me the file location I want to create a new folder.

fileLocation - Path.Combine("I:\SAMPLE1\SAMPLE2\Transaction Reports\", strRecentYear, strRecentMonth)

How should I add the file location variable within the Create Folder activity and include the new folder name to have previous date (ddMMyyyy)?



Open advqanced editor by clicking plus

there you can access any variable for eg Path.Combine(Var1,Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("ddMMyyyy")) will give the folder path containing base path in var1 added with date


Hi @Fabs

Try this
fileLocation si the given location and You can give below syntax in Create Folder Activity

Path.Combine(fileLocation, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("ddMMyyyy"))


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