Studio version 2025.0.157 - App/Web Recorder is missing

Hi, Good Day.
Hope somebody can help. I am new to UiPath and i download the community studio version 2025.0.157 and the App/Web recorder is missing. Hope someone can help me.
Thank you.


The following post may help you.


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Hi Yoichi,
Thanks for the reply. it is installed properly.


It doesn’t seem UiPath.UiAutomation.Activiites package is installed.
Can you try to install it via ManagePackages on ribbon?



Thank you very much Yoichi, very much appreciated your help.

Hi everyone,
Just now i update my studio 2025.0.157, i am not able to see any classic activity and that option is not available to switch

Thank you So much !!!

Enable from the filter in activity panel
Go to activity panel and select filter and see if option is there
Also check ui packages and system packages are installed property

Hello, has this been resolved now? I also encountered the same problem