Studio v2024.10.1 and Robot 2023.4 compatibility

Hi all,

As per title I would like to check the compatibility between Studio v2024.10.1 and Robot v2023.4. From what I’ve read it seems like they are compatible, but I would like to confirm this.

For some background, I have two machines which are dev and prod. The prod machine has v2023.4 for both studio and robot, but the dev machine has since been upgraded (accidentally) to v2024.10.1 and I am midway through developing a new process. If I publish from the dev machine will I be able to run my process on the prod machine?

Edit to add: we have a process running in production on the prod machine, if we were to upgrade the robot would that cause any issues?

Thanks in advance!


You can refer this compatibility matrix.


it is compatible… but if robot ans studio on same machien then they are not compatible
