Studio error "Elevated privileges required" when indicating target in "use application/browser" activity


I was doing an exercise on my personal laptop using Studio. When using “use application/browser” activity to indicate a website to open, an error popup showing “elevated privileges required”. I have tried to run Studio as admin but then the studio will show error connecting to Orchestrator. Can anyone advice how to fix this?


First check if the browsers are running with elevated rights or as admin…if yes then change that setting and try


Hi Anil,

After checking, the browsers are neither with elevated rights nor as admin. I kinda suspect studio is making changes to the browser because when I rebooted machine few minutes ago, a notification popup saying UiPath trying to install edge/chrome extension (sth like that). note that I have been using studio on my machine for at least a month to study academy and was working fine till now. Worse thing is, after I rebooted machine again as requested after extension is installed, studio is not starting anymore :frowning: It failed at the sign in page where service URL is Error message is “Rejected by target machine. Connection failed” (translated from chinese). Kindly advice.


I restarted my machine again after last message and now works like a charm… Don’t ask me why :sweat_smile:

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