String number manipulation

Hi everyone

value=“marzo 2020”

I want to eliminate 2020 from my variable
is there any way
Thanks a lot

Hi @borismh,

You can use String manipulation to do this. By using Assign activity:-

value = value.Substring(0, “marzo”.Length)


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I tried it and if it came out, but I would like to make it dynamic, because that value named “marzo” can change since I get it with a get text

Is your string always containing marzo or can be any other month? If the year will always be the current one, will be safer to use like this:
value2 = value.Replace(Now.ToString("yyyy"),"").Trim

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my “value” is a string variable, extracted by a get text, that code does not work in this I think

It will work fine, you can either create a new string variable or use the same one…

I believe the suggestion should work for you. Or is it always changed the value 2020?

As such, can it be different like “marzo 2020”, “abx 2019”…??



just change the value “marzo” 2020 does not change

sorry, i missed the To in ToString there…
value2 = value.Replace(Now.ToString("yyyy"),"").Trim


one more question

I want to extract in Spanish the value of the current month

mounth = Now.ToString (“MMMM”)

but he extracts me in English

it is possible to have this data in Spanish

Thanks a lot

month = Now.ToString("MMMM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("es-ES"))

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