While using API calls the value returned for Stream is Blank (null/empty).
Issue Description: Why is the API call returning an empty value for Stream?
Root Cause: Communications Mining gets Stream API returns empty.
- Use the Reset Stream activity.
Read more about Streams. When streams are created, they only return comments that were added to the dataset after the stream was created. Hence, when a stream is created, and then 10 emails are received, the stream will only have 10 emails in it. The dataset that this stream is on, has not received more emails since the stream was created, which is why it is empty.
It is recommended to reset the stream to "rewind" it to a given datetime. It will then return comments that were uploaded * after that date. * This is based on the created at date, not the timestamp. Thereby, the datetime the comment itself gets uploaded, not the timestamp of the comment.