Storing Data into Datatable

Hello, I am unable to store the data from the web into the column which I already build datatable by using Build Data table activity and the column name “Address” and “Data-type-String” “Max length- 1000”.

Add data row: I am getting an error like “Cannot set column ''Address”. The value violates the Max length limit of this column

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Can you share more details like putting some screenshots here Thanks.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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@pattyricarte I don’t have screen shot as that is from another VM and the error I told when I increase the Max limit in column properties in build data table activity I can able to store the data

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Hi @NikhilRPA,

What value u have set for max limit in build data table activity ? I am also facing the same issue now


Hi @NikhilRPA

You can try by giving MaxLength to -1


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@Sudharsan_Ka - what does it mean by when you say -1?


If you use as minus one in row count the row count can be anything in the positive numbers you dont need to define the count each and every time

That worked @Sudharsan_Ka

Thank you