Storage Bucket Issue

Hi Team,

Im currently trying to retrieve documents from my storage bucket,

I have the download storage bucket activity in a filename list for each.

However I encountered this error,

download storage file: blobfileinfo does not exist. error code: 1002

Hi @Aki1111

Check the below thread for your query,

Hope it helps!!

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Check the file name provided correctly and not containing special characters like β€œ&”, β€œ$”, β€œ#”, β€œ%” are part of the file names.

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This is what the file name looks like I don’t have any special characters named.

Could there be another way to resolve this.

Downloads/98_Application_form.pdf - this is the file name I have. Still does not work.


Can you show how it’s looks like in Storage Bucket and how you configured the download storage bucket activity?

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This is what it looks like in the storage Bucket,

This what the properties are:


I hope your current_fileName is only the file name and not the folder prefix.

It should be like this 98_Application_form.pdf

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Hi @Aki1111

Check the output of the assign activity as the name of the file is same as it is present in storage bucket.


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Hi @Aki1111,

Could you please check and share the value of variable - current_fileName.

You have specified it under Properties->storage path as well under Properties->To->File name and location
β€”> Same variable used on both these property parameters can’t be right.
For To->File name and location, it has to be the full path on the local drive.
And if that is what it is, then storage path is wrong - because storage path should only be the filename available on storage bucket i.e. β€œ98_Application_form.pdf”

Kindly correct your storage path, it should work.

Hope this helps.


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