Stop Job with Orchestrator HTTP Request Activity


I was trying to stop using the Orchestrator HTTP Request activity.

Things that I have done,

Created a test project, published and started process and took the job id from the orchestrator log, and Job is still running, I need to stop that running job.

Jobid: 7e23810b-816c-4405-b106-033f404d7535

Added ‘Orchestrator HTTP Request’ activity

RelativeEndPoint: “/odata/Jobs(7e23810b-816c-4405-b106-033f404d7535)/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.StopJob”

JsonPayload: “{ strategy: ‘2’ }”

After running,

Response: Nothing

and job status is still running and it completed successfully.

I tried the same with the get job and stop job activity, in that case job status got changed to ‘Stopping’ ot ‘Stopped’

I’m not able to find a solution for this. Please help :slight_smile: