Start from command line

I’m having a similar issue, after issuing the following command:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Studio\UiRobot.exe" /file:"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\UiPath\test1\Main.xaml"

I receive the following error:

Topshelf.HostFactory Error: 0 : An exception occurred creating the host, Topshelf.HostConfigurationException: The service was not properly configured:
[Failure] Command Line An unknown command-line option was found: DEFINE: file = 
[Success] Name UiRobotSvc
[Success] DisplayName UiPath Robot
[Success] Description UiPath Robot Service
[Success] ServiceName UiRobotSvc
at Topshelf.Configurators.ValidateConfigurationResult.CompileResults(IEnumerable`1 results)
at Topshelf.HostFactory.New(Action`1 configureCallback)

The file ‘Main.xaml’ is definitely in that location!

Many thanks for the help.

(Main topic: Starting process from SSH command line)