Heather Rowe
440-836-7702-this is phone no
MPP- this is company name
31005 SOLON RD
SOLON, OH 44139-3436
hello guys i need a help
this is string in which phone no company can swap
so how can i make sure the robo picks and phone no and company name
If your string is separated by new line its quite simple.
yourText.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) and assign to a array of string type variable.
Then use index, arrayVar(1) and arrayVar(2) and you will get your result.
@arjun27 i have fixed your sequence for switch case where length is 5 and now output is as expected.
I have tested both scenarios and it switching between phone and address.
In your Matches activity, split and the use the particular element only, you have passed whole string so it will alwaz give you a match as phone is part of the string.