Specified method is not supported - Excel Read Range


I am encountering the above problem while reading range using Workbook read range activity (unable to use Excel Application Scope)

System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported.
at UiPath.Excel.Encryption.EncryptionInfoFactory.GetEncryptionInfo(OleStream stream)
at UiPath.Excel.Encryption.OfficeCryptography.DecryptFile(String filePath, String password, Stream outputStream)
at UiPath.Excel.WorkbookFile…ctor(String workbookPath, String password, Boolean createNew)
at UiPath.Excel.Activities.WorkbookActivity1.ConstructWorkbook(String path, String password, Boolean createNew) at UiPath.Excel.Activities.WorkbookActivity1.BeginExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)

May I know what could have caused this?

Please install uipath.excel.activities package again in UiPath Studio.

I have tried it multiple times.
I have removed both Excel activities package and ClosedXML package from Packages and Activities folder and tried to reinstall but everytime it would have “Unable to read package…” error

Other things are working fine in uipath studio i mean have you tried to make use of some other activity .

Are you using workbook ReadRange activity inside Excel Application Scope ?

I can’t use Excel Application Scope read range because it is a password protected file. But workbook Read Range has given me this error in our Production environment, it works fine in UAT environment.

So I suspect it may be due to Excel activities package

You can use ExcelApplication Scope also even if it is password protected.

In properties you just have to pass the password in password field.