SomeOne Else Working on the Excel file Popup Message

Hi Community,

I am facing the issue with Excel writing in the shared path. The RPA will be in a pause state when the Excel popup appears, where Bot is only writing to that file and no one else is accessible to that file as well.
Can I know what the exact issue is?



Please move or copy the file from shared pth to local and then do your modification and on e done you can move or copy back to the same location

Generally while using shared paths or network paths we see this issue


Hi @Anil_G

Thanks for your reply
But this issue appearing recently. Past 3 years there was no issue with respect to excel and Bot will be pause during this popup appears



You have been lucky that it dint come up early…

Also yes bot will pause when any of these pop ups come while opening excel…

So as a worka round to avoid these situations we move the file to local and use it

These generally occur due to netowrk delays and UiPath gets stuck as the file pop up appears

Else if you are not editing or adding data consider using read only propery which will avoid this error


Thanks @Anil_G this solution has worked.

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