here im trying to display the “C”+i.toString in the message box… i have used while loop…while running im getting same value and its not chan
ging to C1…C2 etcMake number default value is 0
If you are assigning it in a variable pane, everytime it will initialize the value. So, try assigning the value as you are passing in the variables line using assign activity and then try
did…nothing changed Can you elaborate more on what you need exactly.
i did it … i have cleared the default value of i and tried…still its the same C0 im getting till the while loop finishes
i need to print C0 and next C1 till some value…i have used the while loop and inside it assign activity to increment . but everytime im getting only C0.
You didn’t align the activities correctly. Put Num declaration first then i assigned activity finally message box. Because it will execute the workflow sequence order
Do like this And declare variables like this
thank you…this solved the problem
Happy to help
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