Hello everyone in one file i have around 10,000 records
first i have to filter the column Engage value to Pay then i have to fetch the invoice no. from 2 columns journal description and line description.
But here I am facing 1 issue.
what i have observed in 1 file with 10k records after filtering Pay values I am using if condition as per my scenario but all the conditions goes to else condtion.
Then i check in my file out of 10k records on 20 records fits in my conditions, How can i code my bot to stop the unnecessary items.
Try using a filter activity where Journal description and line description are column names and operator is contains with value set as invoice and || respectively .
Another approach is using linq, where an assign activity is used and left side is dt1 and right side is
(From row in dt1.AsEnumerable
Where row("Journal Description").ToString.ToLower.Contains("invoice") or row("Line Description").ToString.Contains("||")).CopyToDataTable
This should be done before the if condition which screenshot you have attached
As per the code shared previously :- (From row in dt1.AsEnumerable Where row("Journal Description").ToString.ToLower.Contains("invoice") or row("Line Description").ToString.Contains("||")).CopyToDataTable