Soap Activity issues


i have this issue with soap activity , first issue when i tried to have method by end url i got error message there is an error downloading soap request !

now i download the wsdl as file and uploaded to the activity it work to bring the methods , but when i tried to invoke its give the error in the attached , and one more thing this contentdataType how should i pass the values ?

me too.

In this video, I use HTTP Request to call any SOAP API. I use these steps in case of special WSLD that are not compatible with SOAP request Wizards, also not compatible with new service from the library.

0:54 SoapUI application used to test SOAP API
3:05 Test commands from SoapUI
4:30 How can we test SOAP API from Postman
5:50 In UiPath Studio you need to install Web.Activities
7:30 SOAP Request activity
9:30 Create a New Service inside of Library
11:10 RAW approach to SOAP API command
13:30 How we build a simple XML
15:00 Run the process that builds XML to see the result
15:20 Create a complex XML
16:30 Step by Step XML creation
20:10 Main element creation that also includes attributes
23:00 Test the complex XML creation
23:50 Deserialize XML
25:15 How to extract Data from XML Nodes
27:40 How to extract Data from XML Attributes

Cristian Negulescu