SMTP (In body inserting an png image )

Hi everyone,

The image is not detected in the body of mail.
What should be the path of the image could the image be stored in local E drive and give the path in body of smtp in html format and also along with the path in smtp mail activity in attach files the path of image should be given.

Please let me know Asap…
Thanks and Regards,

@supu123 If I understand you correctly you want to directly embed the image into the HTML code?

This can be done using the image tag - example <img src="location/of/image.png" alt="alternative text"> but then the image would have to be hosted in a location that is accessible from the internet to display in the e-mail itself.
Another way would be to convert the image to base64 and then imbed it directly to the html (check this link - note this method might not work depending on the mail server / mail program.

Hi @FrankSchikora

converting the image to Base64 is not working it is sending the code in gmail instead of image.

Thanks and Regards,

@supu123 - I think this problem was discussed and solved in this thread - please take a look and check if that solves your problem.

i just watched at the solution provided above but it donot solve my problem.

this solution is not working

Hii @manoj2500

<img src=“location/of/image.png”
is the location given from local machine

Thanks and Regards,

hey @supu123 is your problem solved? as i am stuck at this same issue right now… i have tried using the Contentld like writing “<img src=‘cid:’”+my-image-attachment.Contlenld+“>”

but the image is not showing in mobile only an icon is being generated and while checking same mail on laptop…nothing can be seen
please help out if you have got the solution

same issue here but not solve i ingnore that::sweat::sweat::sweat:

hey guys…
Is anyone able to Send embedded Images using Gmail Server and SMTP Activity
Please attach a working workflow that will be helpful
Thank you