I have a datatable with 300 rows, so i want to skip row number 200 how do i do it in UiPath
Please help
I have a datatable with 300 rows, so i want to skip row number 200 how do i do it in UiPath
Please help
Hey @Girid ,
If you have a fixed rows that is you want to remove 200th row,
then u can use below Linq query
Hope it helps you!
Hi @Girid
Try this:
Assign activity:
rowIndexToSkip = 200
Assign activity:
dtFiltered = YourDataTable.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row, index) index + 1 <> rowIndexToSkip).CopyToDataTable()
Hope it helps!!
If you are looping through it with For Each, you can the Continue activity. Just include it in an If where you check the current row’s index.
You can do this as you know the row index…use the below in assign
Dt = Dt.AsEnumerable.RemoveAt(199).CopyToDataTable
As the index of 200 is 199 it rows row 200
Hope this helps
Hey @Anil_G ,
I get error
error BC30456: ‘RemoveAt’ is not a member of ‘EnumerableRowCollection(Of DataRow)’.
This skipped all starting 200 rows
It worked thanks for it
It was too slow with activities
Glad it worked, kindly mark appropriate answer as solution and close this thread
Ah my bad…this is the one
to be used in invoke code
or using invoke method
Glad you resolved anyways
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