Setting up triggers, so that after one ended, next one starts

Hello guys. For the last couple weeks i have been working on a project, that contains 4 different workflows. All of them are related to Ebay. Now i need to make triggers for them to start, but the thing is, that I never previously used orchestrator triggers, I have set up my triggers using windows task scheduler. Now im trying to move to orchestrator, to do it corretly, but i have no clue how to start. The thing is, that I need to setup triggers, that lets say after the first workflow ends, the second workflow starts, after second ends, third starts. Is it possible to achieve that using Orchestrator triggers? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @Povilas_Jonikas

You can achieve this using the Queue.

Create a dispatcher workflow that adds items to the queue. This workflow should run initially to populate the queue with the tasks for each workflow in sequence. Where you will be adding 4 items in the queue specific to each workflow that you want to run.

For Ref:

Then you create a performer sequence which will help run the specific workflow according to the Queue item. You can use the Get transaction item & Switch activity to change the workflow according to the queue item.

This is similar case that you are lookin for For Ref:

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

If you need them to run one after the other why did you make them 4 separate projects?