Set Text - Error: HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component


I’m developing a process that fills in a web form using the Set Text activity. There are several fields that should be filled in but when the process comes to one specific field it throws the error: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. However, it works for all the other fields, that have the same element structure. I have tried

  • Retry Scope

  • Find element (works) before the activity, with wait for interactive property enabled

  • Changed the activity for this particular field to Type Into (I get the same error)

Any suggestions on workarounds or how to troubleshoot this error?



Welcome to community

Can you share the screenshot of the element which you are getting error and working element



Not sure what du want a screenshot of but here are the selectors:
This one is working

This is the one causing the error
As you can see, they are almost identical, the only difference is the id.

Here you can see both elements in the DOM explorer (highlighted in yellow):



You can search for other tags in UiExplorer to make dynamic selector

Hope this helps you



How do you mean a dynamic selector would work? :slight_smile:
The web page still throws the error and the process is unable to fill in the text…



Is the field is disabled some how? and you need to set the text in that?

Did you try with TypeInto and check

Hope this may helps you



I managed to get it working somehow. After a restart of everything it magically worked. Don’t really know what solved the issue but thanks for your help anyway!


I had a similar issue with COM errors on a Set Text. In our instance it was a variable that was blank.

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Thank you. This should be voted top of the page.