Can you check what type of request you need to do to send the data and also Can you check how you need to send the data to the server? we have multiple options to do that, like sending the attachment directly or sending the data in the body of the post request or as query params…
Calls to web APIs are often handled by UiPath developers using the “HTTP Request” activity which you will find in the “UiPath.Web.Activities” package.
In order to assist you with creating the necessary request with your Worksheet data, you’ll have to provide the information @HareeshMR requested - what is the type & expected format of the API endpoint you will be sending your request to?
Hi Hareesh,
I would like to do the same, i want to send the data in the body of the post request.
Can you share an example.
It would be helpful.
My bot will return me list of text records and i want to send this data further in api.
Its going to be simple text.
Now i am able to do that, but there is one problem when i send the text in body it automatically converted into html.
but when i used the same api with postman its working fine.
I hope you are passing the value as query parameter, so it is converting the space as %20. You can replace that after getting the response @Manish_Jawla. Do replacing affect the process?
No Hareesh, but i am worrying in case i have received lot of special symbols then for each and everyone, i need to do the conversion because i am gona receive huge text as input.
I hope this won’t cause if you pass the accept header as text @Manish_Jawla. Can you please try that once again passing the accept header as text/plain
HI Hareesh,
I am passing it in body not in header because this is the api exposed by me to get the data from ui path and then i will process it at my end.
Manish Jawla
Yeah, I understand, but the response you are going to get needs to be in the format right? If you pass the header as content type, it indicates the type of input you are passing to the request in body and accept indicates the type of response you are going to get. So, I’m asking you try passing that header
Im working on a project where I need to migrate the data from one website to other.
and create an API for that data.
Can anyone suggest me how to proceed further?
As you have API, you can use HTTP activity to send the request directly and get the output which is available when you install the package UiPath.web.activities .