Sending email with attachment problem

Hi all,

I am practicing Academy lesson 11 practice 2 but I am sending email with attachment in pdf from my google mail to outlook which I have problem. However, the comment out part in my workflow is fine for using outlook mail message.

The account and password in the Email section are my google account but I have remove it in the workflow attached.

For the Host section, I have tried 465, 587 and 2525 ports while the server is “” since I am using google with smtp.

The error for using 465 and 587 is shown as below:

While the error for using 2525 is as below:
2525 timeout

Here is my workflow:
L11P2.xaml (8.4 KB)

I think the problem is due to the port configuration. Can anyone advise me on this?

Thank you.


The error for using 465 and 587 shows you have some certificate issue and probably you don’t have proper root certificate for

If you can identify which certificate is lack, you can get it the following site.


How to check which certificate is absent or improper install in my computer?


Your smtp server seems not but

If so, root certificate is the following. Please check if there is in your certificates store of OS.
(Or install the certificate to trusted root store) (941 Bytes)
