Send Outlook Messgae

If outlook is not installed in my laptop/desktop is it possible to use this activity- send outlook mail?
If not which is the other option?


Use Send Exchange Mail Activity instead of Send Outlook Mail, But for that you need to pass credentials to access the exchange server for that outlook account.

In order to use send outlook email you need to have Outlook installed in your pc.
You can use other activities available Send SMTP Mail Message/Send Exchange Mail Message


SMPT is secured right No personal data is tracked by Uipath?

It is secured. UIPath never access personal data.
You can use SMTP as suggested.
For using Outlook activities it is must to install on your computer.

Karthik Byggari

For SMTP I need to enter any credentials? only mail Id ryt

You need to enter server, port and sign in details.

Karthik Byggari

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