Send hot key for combination keys

How do I send hot key Home, Shift + End?
What does this combination do?
If I want to send key to a field that is with setclipping region in citrix, how do I do that?

Thank you.

Hi @A_Learner

Try this way:

If required add delay after first Send Hotkey.


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You may use below expression as well.

“[k(home)]” + “[d(shift)]” + “[k(end)]” + “[u(shift)]”

k means action pressing a key down and up one time each.
d means keeping pressing down a key.
u means keeping pressing up a key.
The keyword in the parentheses is the key your’d like to press.
The sequence of the actions is from left to right and concatenate by “+” or “&”.

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Hi @A_Learner

Give a try with the KeyBoard Shorcuts, if you want to send that combination into an input field, then drag and drop a click activity before the keyborad shortcuts and click the element first, then send the combination to the entire screen (if it is Citrix)


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