Send ctrl+s background

Hello friends,
@rkelchuri, @Ninett_Panfir, @Rammohan91, @balupad14, @Florent_Salendres, @vvaidya, @Palaniyappan, @loginerror, @MAHESH1, @ovi

I’m using Send Hotkey activity to save a PDF. I want to do all actions in background.
I would like to send hotkey of ctrl+s in background.
Cannot do that.
How to do that?

Hi Cami
enable SEND WINDOW MESSAGE property in the property panel of send hot key and try once

Cheers @CamiCat

@CamiCat - You can also use F12 to save the pdf.

Thank you so much @anmolk171,

can you please share the xaml?
Thank you so much.

Thank you @Palaniyappan.
I’ve tried your solution but doesn’t work.
Have you got other ideas?
Seems that the send hotkey works only with Activate page flagged.
I need to make the bot work in background.
How can I mangae to save the pdf file opened in a Chrome page?
Thank you,