Send Alert on Hanged jobs

Hi All,

How do I monitor and email an alert for a stuck job?

Is there any way to send notifications of hanged jobs?

Thanks in advance,


I don’t think we have option to check stucked job but we have option to send alert and kill the job from Orchestrator in case of any job runs beyond a specified time duration.

@NaveenKNave Welcome to @UiPath_Community

Yes, We have a functionality to get an alert, Go to Orchestrator → Folder → Process → Execute.

You’ll able to see these options:

Enable this option and specify a time. If the process is not finished by that time, an alert will be generated.

Best regards,
Ajay Mishra

Hi @Ajay_Mishra ,

Thanks for your suggestion. is it possible to send an email ?

@NaveenKNave Yes, basically, when we receive alerts, we also get an email to check the Orchestrator.

Best regards,
Ajay Mishra


If you remember, We get some emails from Orchestrator: As mentioned below

These are nothing but Alerts Only!

To Enable Mail Notifications:

  1. Press Notification Icon (Top Right) → Settings (Bottom Right)

  2. Click on Notification → Orchestrator

  3. Enable Email Checkbox:

You are good to go!

Ajay Mishra