Selectors for web page

Hi all, how do I create selectors for the following? Many thanks!

I want to get “For ages” value. The field can be absent, and the values can be 0-5 or 9+ or something else.

I’ve tried

A snippet of the html source code:

ul class=“biblio-info”

                            <label>For ages</label>
                            Board book
                                | <span itemprop="numberOfPages">48 pages</span>
                                x 126
                                x 53mm
                                | 332g

Have you tried ‘Get Attribute’ activity for that element with attribute as ‘innerText’.

GetAttributeTest.xaml (5.4 KB)

Let me know if that’s not what you are looking for.

Rammohan B.

Hi Rammohan,

Thanks for replying! I’m having trouble getting the dynamic value (can’t use 0-5 in selectors as there are other possible value such as 9+, see below)


Update your relative selector as,
<webctrl tag='SPAN' parentclass='biblio-info' />

Let me know if it works,

Rammohan B.

Hi Rammohan,

It works now! Thank you very much!


Great. I saw that your title of the page keeps on changing as well.

You can have your ‘Attach Browser’ sector as below:
"<html app='chrome.exe' url='*' />"

Glad it worked. Happy to help :slight_smile:

Rammohan B.