Selector Failing

I am using “Open Application” to open a file with name “Temp.mpp”. I have given a selector with title=‘[STAR]Project[STAR]Professional[STAR]Temp.mpp’ />
Bot is failing to find the selector. The error message I am getting says Could not find the element, the closest matches found are
title = “Project Professional”. Please advise. Thank you,

can you capture the selector and show it here?

try change it to
title = 'Project Professional*'

title=‘Project Professional - Temp.mpp’

Thank you,

@A_Learner Include wild card in the title. Let me know the results after doing this

title=’*Professional*’ />

If the above one didn’t work then try this

title=’*Professional’ />

[STAR]Professional[STAR] working. Thanks!

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