Selecting check box based on the text value

hi team,
i have a sceanrio like … i have to read below pdf … and i want to look if there is some keywords like "Knee, hip, stomach and etc… below is the screenshot for your reference…

so based on that keyword i have to click this particular box

can u please suggest something to me …
WhatsApp Image 2024-02-16 at 01.44.08
cohere IE doc 1.pdf (211.0 KB)

Hi @Nikhil_Katta

  1. Read the Pdf (PdfData)
    2.create a variable (Array of String or List of string) where your words will be stored like knee, stomact, etc

  2. Use for each to iterate through words
    in the for each use IF activty with condition - PdfData.Contains(CurrentItem)

  3. Perform the Perform the UI Automation

Hope this helps