I have a data table ExtractDataTable with coloumn names : Type, Status and DetailsUrl.
I want to filter the rows with Type=WI5 and Status=Open.
But when I am using the Assign activity, ExtractDataTable.Select(“Status=‘Open’ AND Type=‘WI5’”) and assigning to variable of Array of DataRow , It is not working and the filtered array of DataRow is empty.
Is there anything missing in the value of Assign activity
Could you please help me.
ExtractDataTable.Select(“convert([Status], ‘System.String’) = ‘Open’ and convert([Type], ‘System.String’)=‘WI5’”);
@ maria.josephina I have faced same issue : you are not getting results because of I just check is that I(Capital ai(I) or l(lower case of l)) check the equal symbol with both of these values.
Hi @raghavbidani
what is your error, is it the column doesn’t exist error?
I suggest that you try with only one condition first. Like “Status=‘Open’”
Check to see if it finds all the Open items. If that part works, then put Type back in. Also, make sure you don’t mix up “eye” and “ell” because they look the same. Also also, this Select format doesn’t consider that the cell values could have end spaces, so I would check the Excel file to make sure the values are exactly equal to the type you are looking for.