Search issues using JQL

I am looking to find open issues in specific project using “Search issues using JQL” Activity.


Could you provide me inputs to pass JQL query : Status = ‘WAITING FOR SUPPORT’ issues in Project= ‘Test’ (5000 count max)?

Note : I’ve achieved this using ‘GET Issue SQL’ or ‘Get Issue List’ activities. Idea is to explore “Search issues using JQL” Activity.

@Cristian_Negulescu : Could you share your inputs on this?

i’ve used below JQL query which is working fine to search Open issues in specified project but getting below error while running it from Studio.

JQL String:


Error screenshot:

Hello Sonal,
It looks like the issue is [ char is the issue try without [ to see if is working.
If is not working please try the row command like in this movie:


Thanks Cristian : let me try this.

I am able to get an expected results using other activities - Get Issue List Or Get Issue SQL Or HTTP Activity but exploring this activity to work as well- Search Issues using JQL.

I am passing as an input to JSON String - “project = TD AND issuetype = Service request”

but getting this error again.