.screenshots folder missing from .nupkg

Hi @UiPath_Community,

I have a CV project wherein all the informative screenshots captured for CV sreen scope are being kept in .screenshots folder in project root folder.

I can see and access this folder very well on the machine where I have developed the code.

However, when I package this code and unzip it on any other machine, I dont see any .screenshots folder coming in there. which is why I am not able to do any modifications on CV activities (like edit on screen or indicate on scope again) because there are no informative screenshots in there.

It keeps throwing error - “CV screenshot couldn’t be loaded. Please indicate on screen again to repair it”.

Because of this, no one else is able to work on the code by downloading it from orchestrator as its asking them to redo all screen capturing stuff using CV to be able to make changes.

Any suggestions on how to fix this would be really helpful.



As per my understanding, screenshots are never meant for execution of the package as they are only for informative purpose. Bot don’t require them for execution so they don’t get packed into the Nuget package to save memory and reduce pakage size.

It’s also not a good practice to improvise or develop code further from the Nuget package. Best practice would be using code repository like DevOps, GitHub etc.

Using code from the Nuget editor be your last option in case the source code is missing.

If you have the .screenshots folder for the code with you, you can share it with your colleagues. Once the folder is placed in the project the code will show the informative screenshots in the code.

The similar explanation can be found here in this older thread.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello @sonaliaggarwal47

I have recently had a support case at UiPath Customer Portal regarding the .screenshots folder.
Not the same subject as you are writing about in this post, but during my conversation with the support team, they confirmed that the .screenshots folder does not get included when you publish the project.
I think this is mainly to comply with GDPR.
