"Save Mail to other Outlook folder"

Hi Team,

I want to save the email in outlook mail box instead of sending the mail, I need to save in mail box folder (Inbox\SRA) folder.

“Is Draft” - will allow mail to be saved in “Drafts” folder only but I want to save in different folders exist in my mail box


You can use Move Outlook Mail Message activity to save the email in particular mail folder.

Thanks Lakshman

This info is not clear, I know this “Move” will move a existing mail from one mail box folder to another but i want to compose a new mail and save to a specific folder, how can i use this. Could you please share your thoughts


Yes it will allow to save the mail in Drafts folder. From their you can use Move Mail Message activity to move the mail to different folder

“Send Outlook Mail Message” to save as draft and then “Get Outlook Mail Messages” to get mail and then “Move Outlook Mail Message” to move mail from draft to inbox\sra folder…

I am getting error
“Move Outlook Mail Message: This method can’t be used with an inline response mail item.”