September 28, 2021, 8:08am
I need to save excel as csv.
Firstly I used move file activity but the .csv file I get is not actually .csv but only looks like.
Then I tried to use selectors and go into save as but then the file is still saved as .xls
any idea how to do this?
Hi ,
The Excel can be read (Read Range) and again write into CSV (Write CSV)
Happy Automation:)
Hi @jeyekij306
Use Read range workbook and get it as a datatable and write using write Csv activities
September 28, 2021, 8:35am
it worked to point.
When I look at column A where should be some numbers for example 123456789 in the .csv file have “II”. Any idea why?
I might be due to the Values in any one of the previous columns which contains \n.
The select item that you are using is not reflected in excel .
Type into activity to type Filename and Tab Along with it (This contains selector of filename )
Type into activity without selector : Type c and again tab in it .
Click save button .