Kindly remove the account in the input property buddy, and try again buddy, that would be the reason, as your workflow looks good…This will work buddy
in get outlook activity enable to markasread and onlyunreadmessages, so it will take only the unread messages and once the read it will mark it as read, so that it we wont get the mail repeated again
enter mail.Subject.Contains(“PL Analysis Draft”) alone buddy,the reason is whenever you search for mail in outlook the only unread message having this subject (which would be the new one) will be taken into consideration
Put a break point at save attachment activity and debug your workflow and see whether you are reaching this point or not and if you are not reaching this point that means your condition is not getting satisfied, that’s why the mails are not getting saved
Buddy kindly right click that mail and click mark as unread, so that it would become unread now…
Run your bot now, if the bot gets to the outlook first it will read the unread file as we have enabled onlyunreadmail property in get outlook mail activity, and it mark it as read (i.e., it wont be in a highlighted mode) as we have enabled markasread property in get outlook mail activity as well…
The reason why i ask you to do this is first lets confirm whether it is getting to outlook first or not and then we will check whether its taking the subject condition and marking the correct file as read file or not…if these two things happen then we are good with condition and outlook accessing as well…so it would be done
Great so the bot is able to see the mail with the filter option that we give amazing…thats all buddy…use a save attachment activity in the for each as a first activity…and pass the input as mail message variable obtained from the get outlook mail activity…and mention the path where you want to save in save attachment activity…thats all buddy you are all done… kindly let know if this works or not