What would be the best way to automate using the “Save as” option in Excel.
I want to use it to rename the file and save it in a specific location!
What would be the best way to automate using the “Save as” option in Excel.
I want to use it to rename the file and save it in a specific location!
Just Save the file as it is , I mean, excel application scope will save the file with the same name. After that, use move file activity to rename the file @shawnmurray
Can you rename the file with that activity or is it just simply moving it from one location to another?
Hi @shawnmurray,
Assign path to a variable and pass variable to save as.
If you want everytime to ask the path you can use message box before assign activity or else place as an argument.
Yes @shawnmurray
I will give you the sample of it
Here is my source path : “D:\UiPath\CopyAndPasteInExcel\Data.xlsx”
and here is my destination path : “D:\UiPath\CopyAndPasteInExcel\DataMoved.xlsx”
I’m just renaming the file in the same location using Move FIle activity
I would like to suggest you one thing
Usually when we want save a excel file with change in its name
Take MOVE FILE ACTIVITY where we can mention the current file path with it’s name in the SOURCE and the file name we want in the DESTINATION property
—the reason why we use this method is that usually the EXCEL APPLICATION SCOPE ACTIVITY will save the file under the same name we have mentioned in its path
So we don’t need to worry about it’s saving but if we want tot save them in different name in a specific folder then we can use MOVE FILE ACTIVITY with eyes closed
Hope this would help you
Cheers @shawnmurray
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