SAP & Anchors


I’m trying to copy data from a table in an excel sheet into a table of an SAP Webclient. But problem is that I have not an unique identifier for a SAP cell. At least I haven’t found one yet. The App/Webrecorder fails. Using anchors hasn’t been working so far, because the field names/tags are kinda dynamic. Also tried image anchors, which don’t work either.

Is there a best practices for anchors and/or a more detailed heescription about how these anchors are working esp. how does this image anchors are supposed to function?

Any ideas or advice?

Hi, welcome to the community!
If your table is dynamic in the sense that the columns will change their place, then i think your SAP needs some work before you can safely automate it…

If I could change SAP then I would, but this not an available option. :frowning:
I have some fix elements, but they seem not to work as anchors e.g. Table Headers.

How is an image anchor supposed to work?

It will work using the header text for sure, but not sure it will help will to write something in a cell with it using StudioX…Doesnt SAP lets you customize a table for a defined user?

Tried that already, but it doesn’t work either :frowning: No, SAP doesn’t allow my user to customize the table. I don’t have an SAP client, only a Web-Interface.

What about that images anchors?

HI @Daniel_Fichtner

Can you give us a screenshot to get better understanding, what are you speaking about?

One more hint, have you tried UIAutomation.Next package?

Best regards, Lev

Hi Lev,

What I’m trying to do with StudioX is to fill out a Timesheet WebGUI based on SAP.
The problem are the white cells below start/end time. In this run, only 3 of 6 cells have been found.
I tried anchors almost everywhere including the headers (cells, text, tags)

Played a bit around and turned the fuzzy selector a bit up or turned it off. Reduced the mismatches a lot, but doesn’t solve the problem. The “normal” selector only works till the TagID changes.

So I tried Images as anchors again, till I get a validation of 100%. But it still runs into an error that it can not find it or runs into multiple matches? Why? If the validation gives me a 100%?!? How does this work with the images as anchors? What does it do? The image I select with the tool is 1000% unique.

If I may make a suggestion. Give me a tool which lets me select the table and let me select the target by row & column.

HI @Daniel_Fichtner

Have you tried UiAutomation Next Package?

I am trying to get a demo application for me, to be able also to play around and support you

I like your suggestion “Give me a tool which lets me select the table and let me select the target by row & column.”

→ We have just introduce the same approach “the target by row & column” for SAP WinGUI SAP WebGUI is a next logical step

Best regards, Lev

Hi @LevKushnir,

thanks for your response. :smiley:

Yes, I’m using the UIAutomationNext Activities Pack. I can configure it with 'Edit Target" in StudioX. There are the mentioned three selectors (full selector, fuzzy selector and image). For the last two ones I can make adjustments which I pull up to a minimum 0.9 and to 1 for 100%. Otherwise I get to many possible matches.

BTW: Is there a possiblity to save a project in different versions like a snapshot? If I don’t like my latest changes then I could roll back to the last snapshot.

Kind regards,

You would need to have some version control software, the StudioX doesnt come with it yet, but you could control it externally, maybe SVN would be the easiest to understand:


I have just got a SAP WebGUI demo environment for me. Let me check with my colleagues for the best practices.

Stay tuned

Best regards, Lev

Hi Daniel

So are you trying to target the cells below 11:12 and 13:24?
If so, it’s next to impossible to do that with anchors (image or otherwise), because anchors need to be some kind of stable element: just like for a human, you need to be able to say “pick the cell that is to the right of X and below Y”, or something of this nature.
What would that rule be for you?

Another way you could do it is with exact Row & Column. Would that be ok for you?

Hi @Lev,

Thanks for your support :slight_smile:
I might have found another solution, by using the TAB-Key. I’m using the column “Alt./Abs. Type” and using TAB once gets me to the Start-Cell and using it twice gets me to the End-Cell. Problem is that I haven’t found anything which lets me enter a text :frowning:

@bcorrea: Yes I know tortoise, but I was hoping for integrated solution. Good to hear that it will get one :slight_smile:

@Cosin: I’m having an excel sheet with for columns (date, type, start & end), which I try to fill into the SAP WebGUI Line by Line. But the last two columns seems to be to dynamic and I can get temporary fix on it only :frowning: Would love to use Row & Column or XY-Coordinates, but I haven’t seen an activity for that yet.

I will try to move my little project to Studio Pro tomorrow. I have seen a few options there which might help.

Keep you updated. Thanks for all your support so far :slight_smile:

There is integrated version control suport in the Studio and Studio Pro.

Could you indicate the cell and post here the full and fuzzy selectors from advanced settings?

Here you go. First cell (white) in the first row in the column “Start Time”.

Full Selector:
< html app=‘chrome.exe’ htmlwindowname=‘WID1594276670474’ title=‘Worktime’ />
< webctrl id=‘iFrameId_1594276670497’ tag=‘IFRAME’ />
< webctrl id=‘WD01F9’ tag=‘INPUT’ />

Fuzzy Selector
< html app=‘chrome.exe’ htmlwindowname=‘WID1594276670474’ title=‘Worktime’ />
< webctrl id=‘iFrameId_1594276670497’ tag=‘IFRAME’ />
< webctrl id=‘WD01F9’ tag=‘INPUT’ type=‘text’ aaname=‘’ />

But all the IDs are changing.
1594276670497 is some sort of SessionID and changes with every login.
WD01F9 seems to be the field ID, but changes also.
Nothing left to work with :frowning:

The other cells seems to be fix. The problem exists only with the cells in columns Start/End Time.

Finally found the cause for the problem, which is caused by an Agent/Proxy between the SAP Webgui und the SAP server. Works fine now with the SAP GUI.

Thanks for all your support! :slight_smile:

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