Same process running in different - 2 runtime


I have a process, yesterday I ran it several time, it was completed in 2:10 min or 2.12 but the running time is lies in 2.10 to 2.15 min.

But today I run the same process with closing all the application it’s taking more than 3 min to complete the task.

If you have any idea how to limit the time. can we reduce the robo run time so that it complete less time. suggest @Palaniyappan

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May be the network issue or the server which you are trying to connect may be slow @balkishan
Have you noticed where it is slowing down the process I mean at which activity?

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it’s a offline process only. And it’s running on my local system only bro.

If we know where it’s slow down, so in that case what can we do?

It’s slow down when it inserting the data into the excel template.
I have observed when the Fan speed is increasing then it’s inserting the data very fast. When my machine fan speed is running normal, then it’s inserting the data in normal speed.

So how can we speed up the robo speed, so it’s working very fast. we are using robo to reduce the time, but sometime it’s work very slow.
@HareeshMR @Palaniyappan

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Can you let me know what is the process? I mean the work you are trying to do in the process


That could be the reason
Kindly remove all the temp files and restart your machine once and try again executing the same process
it can be due to the memory issue
i have faced this many times,

Cheers @balkishan

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Actually I have multiple excel file, where I moving the file in the folder, then merging all the excel data into single - 2 excel, it depends on the excel file, then I read the data from that merged file, but these merged file are multiple, after reading then feeding the data into template, then creating the invoce, and converting into the pdf, again I am feeding the data into the reportTemplate, then creating the report, But it should work very fast, don’t know why the time variation is.

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For time being we can make the robot to execute the process in a faster way by searching for elements in a faster way
like if we use a click activity we can reduce the TIMEOUT property from its default value
and enable simulate click which will be faster than default
if we are not using any mode of accessing the elements then there is no other way as we are purely depending on the application explicitly
so its all upto the system performance in accessing those application
kindly try this steps and let know pls

Cheers @balkishan

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Thanks for the information Palani!

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no worries
Cheers @balkishan