Runtime Error: File content is not valid JSON

Hi All,
Currently I am facing a problem when trying to run a robot under version 2019.4.4.
The robot itself was programmed with version 2018.4.3.
After pressing the run button the following error message appears.
The functionality “manage packages” did not solve the issue.
Does anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advanceerror-message

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@gabriele.herr Can you Close the Project , Delete the Project .Json File and Open the Project Again and Check whether it is Working

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Thanks for your help. Unfortunately I get the same message again.

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@gabriele.herr Is it only this Project or other projects as well?

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I have two projects and get the same message for both.
But the workflows are pretty much identical.
Got the files from a colleague who did the programming with an older version.

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@gabriele.herr Is it possible to send the Project with json File? You can try using the Right Dependencies, Updating all the Packages which are compatible to the latest version and Check

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Check JSON data is valid or not. check in that site

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Hi Rahul369,
Just copied the content of my JSON file in the proposed site and the result is “Valid JSON”.

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I have already updated the packages.

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@supermanPunch @anon24744774
Looks like the reason for the error message is the fact that the project is saved on a share which is encrypted with Safeguard LAN Crypt. I copied the project to my local share and now it runs.


pls check the json in online json validator and verify.

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