Run two processes (different virtual machines)

Hi everyone!
I’m trying to run two processes at the same time. I have 2 runtime license and 2 virtual machines.
I have two virtual machine licensed (as shown in image):

Both machines are assigned to folder:

But when I try to run 2 process one stands in Pending state. What I’m doing wrong?

I think may be something related to Users, I have only 1 user (image). And the domain\username correspond to 1 of the VM.

The image shows a section of a user interface, listing a local user with the status "Unattended" and type "N/A," along with an EC2 instance identified and an obscured username. (Captioned by AI)

Thanks in advance!

You need 2 robot users.

Try to create one extra local user in the second VM and create the robot with the second Domain\Username in Orchestrator
Add the robot to the Orchestrator folder
Connect the robot to Orchestrator using the second machine template
Make sure that the robot has the Allow to be Automation User role at the tenant level and Automation User role at the folder level
Try to run the job with dynamic allocation (without selecting the Robot and Machine template)

Let us know the outcome.

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