Run a process on a remote server using Uipath assistant, not orchestrator

Good afternoon friends:

One question please, I have an unattended robot on a remote server and it performs the scheduled tasks normally from user1 of windows server1.

But now what I want is that a person “x” y from home can execute processes on the remote server as required from Uipath assistant, not from the orchestrator.

I have been reading and I know that on the remote server uipath has to be installed in service mode. I understand from the way I’m working, it’s already in service mode.

I logged in with Uipath assistant on my laptop at home but when I run the process, it runs on my own machine, what I want is for it to run on the remote server.

Please, can someone guide me how to do it?

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Hey @Lynx

If you want to run the process on the remote server machine without accessing the machine, you need to trigger the job from orchestrator.

If you want to run from assistant in the server machine, you need to login to the server machine and then open assistant to run the process on that machine.

Hope this helps


The second option is the one that interests me, but the use case has these characteristics:

The user who will need to run the bot at a convenient time (different hours each day), should not access the server where the uipath is installed, it is a restricted user. From that server only disk D is shared, it is on that disk that the user would have their files that the robot downloaded.

That is why I would like the user to execute the bot on the server from his machine, he would have his machine available and would only enter the server with his user to copy the downloaded files.

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Hey @Lynx

For this you can please make the drive as shared or use storage buckets from orchestrator.

Even the bot can attach the files over a mail may be.


Yes, but the problem is that I want the user to run the bot on the server from their PC. I understand that the uipath assistant is not designed for this, so what remains for me is to configure an orchestrator account so that it can enter and execute the bot. but it would be an account with restrictions, right?

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Hey @Lynx

Yes, you can place restrictions as per user role.


For example, I created the account where the bots were developed and it is: and entered the url: .

For a second user who can enter and can only see and execute the process assigned to him. How would I have to enter the web with another email? By this same path, ?

My question please is if what I am proposing can be done?

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Hey @Lynx,

You can assign any number of users to the cloud orchestrator.

There is something called roles which will assigned to every user like admin, developer, normal user any kind you can create and assign any type of custom permissions.

This way you can restrict for a user to access only specific things like triggering a job.

Hope this helps


The first thing I have done is create an account: Admin–> Accounts&Groups–>Invite Users .

I get an invitation email to the user; I have already activated it, but it is still coming out pending.

I will try to share a process to test for that the user can run it

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User will get an email verification to be completed.

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