RPA Infrastructure Fundamentals and UiPath Security courses - Final Quiz Status not get saved


I’m following the RPA infrastructure engineer foundation… I’m stuck in the final quiz modules of both infrastructure fundamentals and UiPath Security courses. Even though my marks exceeded the pass marks limit, quiz status didn’t get updated to ‘Completed’, but always shown as ‘Resume’. I took the quiz several times because of this issue. Need to know how to get this solved. I have completed all other courses\modules of this diploma and because of this issue in quiz modules I can’t complete the diploma. Any idea on overcoming this problem?


Hi @Kanchana_Wajirapani,

Welcome to the Uipath Forum

@Pablito @ovi @loginerror guys can you please help on this matter?

This issue is with the Chrome browser it seems. I used the Firefox and the problem is not there. I was able to complete the quiz.


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