RPA Developer Advanced Certification Expired?

Hello everyone,

First of all, sorry if I don’t post this message on the correct category, I didn’t know where to put it.

The doubt I have is about RPA Developer Advanced Certification. I obtained this Certification on 2019-09-25 and I don’t see an expirty date. However, when I check my Certification code in UiPath - Certificate Verification - CertMetrics it returns the following error “The verification code was not found. Please assure the code has been entered correctly.”.
Is my Certification expired? If so, how can I renew it, paying the exam again?

Thank you in advance,
Best regards


2019 it would have expired. You need to retake the exam

Before june 30 2021 cutoff


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So I will have to pay 200$ again to pass the Certification, right?


Yes ideally thats the scenario


FYI, if you can login UiPath - Candidate Login - CertMetrics , you can see the following in Certifications page and confirm it’s already expired.


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If you paid for the exam last time, that was not part of the legacy program and you should not have to re-take it. The legacy exam was free from 2019 and before.

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Yes, I have checked and it is expired

I didn’t know the existence of that web, thank you!

Oh, that’s true, I didn’t pay for it, it was free. I didn’t remember! As it was the free one, I will have to pay for this one.

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