Hi All,
Can you please help me to copy only last month data from the excel and paste it in another excel. Can anyone provide a .xaml file . Sample excel attached . test.xlsx (11.2 KB)
Hi All,
Can you please help me to copy only last month data from the excel and paste it in another excel. Can anyone provide a .xaml file . Sample excel attached . test.xlsx (11.2 KB)
What do you mean @rpatil
You want to get the last value of your data in excel.?
Happy learning
You can use the Read Range activity, output your data to a DataTable. Then use Filter DataTable activity to output the rows that has last month’s date.
hope this would help you
Cheers @rpatil
Noo i need to get all the data from previous month ex - from nov 1st to nov 30th
yes but how to pass the value for previous month . Here the date is hard coded
Hi @rpatil,
Try following code to filter last month’s data. But before that,
Now you can use this code in assign,
FilteredDT = DT.Select("[Dates] >= '#"+(New DateTime(Now.AddMonths(-1).Year, Now.AddMonths(-1).Month, 1)).ToString+"#' AND [Dates] <= '#"+((New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, 1)).AddDays(-1)).ToString+"#'").CopyToDataTable
Now you can write range FilteredDT var in other sheet to check it, that’s it.
Thank you , but i cant add column name as date.Is there any way i can take first row , as date will be in first column always.
Excel is generated from application and we are not supposed to do any changes . But dates will be present in first column always so what value to provide in assign activity in place of “Dates”
Okay @rpatil , then you can use —> [“+DT.Columns(0).ToString+”] instead of [“Dates”]
FilteredDT = DT.Select("["+DT.Columns(0).ToString+"] >= '#"+(New DateTime(Now.AddMonths(-1).Year, Now.AddMonths(-1).Month, 1)).ToString+"#' AND ["+DT.Columns(0).ToString+"] <= '#"+((New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, 1)).AddDays(-1)).ToString+"#'").CopyToDataTable
It’s working perfect thank you
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