sheet2.xlsx (8.7 KB)
How i can extract only coloured data that is present in Litre column of the above attached excel filecolour123.xaml (10.6 KB)
You have the option
read cell by cell the color information from the for column C and memorize the index/range info for the yello ones
then readin cell by cell the values based on the identified idex/range info from above
readin entire column c and remove the non yellow ones rows
other options will work as well
Maybe the fasted approach could be to work on a index base (index for each yellow ones) and do the calculations on needed index with LINQ
Hi @jai_ram
Use excel application scope
get cell color and pass the column as"D2:+D.TableName.rows.count.tostring and print the color as output
and print it as
Ashwin S
@AshwinS2 Cool Approach like it, do we need Count or Count +1 as EXCEL is 1 based and Datatable is 0 based?
@AshwinS2 I was confused,so I was wrong on count. But to access the cell within the iteration the datatable rowindex needs to be plus 1 for the excel cell row index eg C:datatableRowImdex + 1