Reset or clean upload box after uploagind any file wirh File Picker in APPS

Hello guys, i want to know how can i reset or clean upload box after uploading any file with File Picker in APPS.

After upload a File i need restart the box to upload a new file.


I tried setting variables in blank with a button event but dont work. This action clear the variables but the box still have the visual name of the old file.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hey @iamjona

Could you please share the app file here…


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@iamjona ,

Hello, once you save the file data please write another rule to set value and in set value drag file control and value leave as blank. Please check below screen shot.


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@Arvind_Kumar1 I tried that too, but even though the container and variables were reset, the old filename tag remains.

I found a possible solution on youtube using page container, it could be useful: UiPath App Tutorial: File Picker & Storage Buckets - Part 03 | How to Reset File Picker - YouTube

thank you both anyway @Arvind_Kumar1 & @Nithinkrishna

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